The bike rack came quickly, and was a good price. After assembling the bike rack - a good two hours of labour, I found one of the bars was poorly manufactured (the wheel holder had been riveted to the wrong end). I contacted Hollandbikeshop, and all they could suggest was to return the full carrier by mail. Since a) it was a lot of work to assemble/unassemble and b) I needed to use it, I said that would not work for me. So, thus, I am unimpressed with aftersales.
Fast service, good price, solid product (when manufactured correctly)
Improvements or suggestions
You simply must find a way to help a customer like me who have been sold a defunct product, and for the reasons stated do not want to invest man hours of labour assembling/disassembling and assembling a new product. For example, you could receive the bad piece, send me a good one from another pack, and process your warranty with the bad piece and other untouched carrier....