I bought on the website one painting, one notebook and one jewel from France for a birthday. I am still wainting for the apinting but I am aware that it takes some days to be made, so everything's okay. I am happy of the quality of the products I have received.
Improvements or suggestions
I think that you could deliver in one time all the products because I have bought three products and you deliver them into two times (because the painting takes more time to be made). I think it is more ecologic to make only one travel (even more I live in France) so it could be okay if I am wainting one week to have all the products at the same time whereas having the notebook and the jewel after three days after the order and the painting one week after. I understand that some people are hurry to have the products quickly, so you could offer on your website a question if people prefer wainting and having only one delivery or having a delivery as quickly as possible even if there are manby deliveries.
Moreover, you could write in French on your website (I speak English a little so I understand and I ifnd it easy but some people don't speak English very well in France).