The wallpaper is beautiful - we are very happy with it. We received the tool kit as well, however, it would have been great if the paste could also have been shipped as we now have to find the right paste to do the wallpapering. The shipment came from the Netherlands, but was destined to Canada - would have expected the instructions to come in "English" or "French" not "Dutch". It was great to see that the product was shipped in a box to avoid any damage - product is pretty expensive and this also avoids a return shipment. Delivery was very fast.
Lydia Jackson
We checked this product in a store here and what was shipped has the same quality, hence, this is definitely a big plus for the company. Shipping of the product to avoid damage was in a box vs. a plastic bag.
Improvements or suggestions
Include the instruction in the language the product is shipped to and also provide for the selection of paste.