Feedback Company

White Whale Yachtbrokers

9.5 /10

StarStarStarStarHalf star

91 reviewsWrite review

checkbox99% recommends White Whale Yachtbrokers!

StarStarStarStarHalf star
StarStarStarStarHalf star
Information on website
StarStarStarStarHalf star
91 reviews

Marleen De Ploey


The team Tim and Taco are great.

Strengths of White Whale
Highly skilled salesmans
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
My brother
Improvements or suggestions

Published on

Chris Rütten


Friendly, professional! Perfect experience!

How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Friend told me
Improvements or suggestions
Strengths of White Whale
Professional and fast Communication

Published on

Dirk Stammler


Very kind, professional and serious. All was perfect!

How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
I know Ron Priem from an earlier business; he sold another boat from mine
Improvements or suggestions
No Idea - all was perfect
Strengths of White Whale
Fast an kind reaction, prfessional behaviour from Ron Priem

Published on

Suzie and Robin


After viewing the specs of a yacht and having a Zoom meeting with Frans, we paid a deposit on the yacht and 4 months later went to Aquadulce to view the yacht

How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Very approachable, had endless time for us and the sellers, and Frans gave fantastic after-sales service
Improvements or suggestions
Strengths of White Whale
If Frans in Aquadulce is typical of White Whale, it says the organisation has well-informed, helpful and hardworking representatives.

Published on

Lawrence Croydon-Fowler


I have used White Whale to purchase and foyers later sell my yacht. Nothing was too much trouble for them and the professional advice I was given was 2nd to none. and Guido van Den Berg was outstanding.

Improvements or suggestions
Strengths of White Whale
Excellent advice and feedback. I’m just going the extra distance.
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Yacht world listed boats for sale

Published on

Captain D Fickling


A good, honest, reliable company. Easy to work with. Very constructive and helpful throughout the selling process, providing sound practical advice, communicating well and seeking win-win solutions for both seller and buyer.

Improvements or suggestions
Keep doing what you're doing
Strengths of White Whale
Good communicators, positive, seeks solutions that work for all parties. Very open throughout the whole selling process, give sound advice.
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
From a previous transaction

Published on

André Dusausoy


Reactive and professional contacts

Strengths of White Whale
Quick responses. Good following of client (seller/purchaser). Good and easy contact
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Thanks to advertising on internet, looking for a sailboat
Improvements or suggestions
nothing at the moment

Published on

Peter Scheeren

StarStarStarStarHalf star

Friendly en accurate

Improvements or suggestions
Just perfect for me
Strengths of White Whale
short lines, personal and easy to contact
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
From hearing and "google" for the reviews

Published on

Chris Jamart


Heel tevreden over hun aanpak en dienstverlening

Improvements or suggestions
Geen opmerking
Strengths of White Whale
Zeer goed contact met Tim Grootendorst die de transactie op een prettige en professionele manier geregeld heeft
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Via een eerdere transactie

Published on

Rob koenen


Very helpful with experianced, professional information given

Strengths of White Whale
Frans Bennekers was very helpful with information, even as a "non-client" i got the answers i was looking for.
Improvements or suggestions
to some extend helpful without charge (keep it that way).
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Various contacts in the sailing community

Published on



Frans Bennekers dit a very good job in the selling transacktion ,about the ORCA Boat. Was a very profesional and serious.

How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
On the transacktion process
Strengths of White Whale
Frans Bennekers os very profesional.
Improvements or suggestions
No aplied

Published on

Sven Pluymackers


Ich bin rund um zufrieden. Von der Kontaktaufnahme, über die Bestandsaufnahme auf dem Boot, der Ausarbeitung des Exposé bis hin zur finalen Übergabe des Bootes habe ich mich durch White Whale und hier durch die Betreuung von Ron Priem fantastische aufgehoben gefühlt.

How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Professionell und gleichzeitig sehr persönlich
Strengths of White Whale
Sehr professionell, viel Sachverstand und Erfahrung
Improvements or suggestions
keine, bin voll zufrieden

Published on



Just purchased a beautiful aluminum tender through White Whale Yacht Brokers. Contacts were made through Vinkeveen, Pieter Pepping, who was experienced as very reliable and honest. No-nonsense approach, which was identical to the ship I purchased. Man of appointments, action and time for the customer, which was experienced as very pleasant. Satisfied from the first telephone contact to delivery and handover, my thanks!

Strengths of White Whale
Short lines, personal, honest and no-nonsense
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
boat found through internet, through a boats for sale site
Improvements or suggestions

Published on

Lars Ruland


Vom erst Kontakt bis zum Kauf war bin mehr als überzeugt von Ron‘s Makler Eigenschaften. Ron berät erstklassig. Er packt auch an, wo andere Makler sagen da ist nichts zu machen. Ich kann Ron nur empfehlen!!

Strengths of White Whale
I hope you’re get the only broker in Limburg
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Improvements or suggestions
Ist perfekt !

Published on



Helder en duidelijk vooraf. Gewoon je eigen schip blijven varen. Professionele werkwijze waar de onderhandelingen stroef verlopen

How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Vergelijken van vier yachtbrokers in de omgeving
Improvements or suggestions
Geen idee eigenlijk
Strengths of White Whale
Vrijheid in opties. Soepel meedenken. Relevante adviezen in de voorbereiding. Snel reageren.

Published on


White Whale Yachtbrokers collects company reviews at Feedback Company. The company collects reviews independently.

White Whale Yachtbrokers has achieved the following results:

  • checkAverage score: 9.5/10
  • check91 collected reviews
  • checkFirst review written on 31 October 2015

White Whale Yachtbrokers

White Whale Yachtbrokers is your professional and dedicated partner when selling or buying a yacht. With highly experienced yachtbrokers and several offices in Europe, we try to give you the best service in the market. Please let us know if you have any questions or want more information.


White Whale Yachtbrokers

Lantaarndijk 8

4797 SP Willemstad

Reliable and transparent

To provide an optimal customer experience, listening to your customers is essential. That is why we continuously measure experiences at Feedback Company. We ask the right question, to the right person, at the right time. Measuring experiences is key. Our research focuses on Customer Experience (CX), Product Experience (PX) en Employee Experience (EX).

Feedback Company collects feedback with verified data from its customers. The company is committed to fighting fake reviews and verifies the origin of the reviews.Click here for more information about Feedback Company’s review policy and how the review page is created.

Data Pro Code
MOA Fair Data keurmerk
Feedback Company
Google Review Partner
Elemental Water Foundation

Net Promoter Score (NPS)=% Promoters - % Detractors

StarStarStarStarHalf star
StarStarStarStarHalf star
Information on website
StarStarStarStarHalf star
91 reviews

Marleen De Ploey


The team Tim and Taco are great.

Strengths of White Whale
Highly skilled salesmans
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
My brother
Improvements or suggestions

Published on

Chris Rütten


Friendly, professional! Perfect experience!

How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Friend told me
Improvements or suggestions
Strengths of White Whale
Professional and fast Communication

Published on

Dirk Stammler


Very kind, professional and serious. All was perfect!

How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
I know Ron Priem from an earlier business; he sold another boat from mine
Improvements or suggestions
No Idea - all was perfect
Strengths of White Whale
Fast an kind reaction, prfessional behaviour from Ron Priem

Published on

Suzie and Robin


After viewing the specs of a yacht and having a Zoom meeting with Frans, we paid a deposit on the yacht and 4 months later went to Aquadulce to view the yacht

How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Very approachable, had endless time for us and the sellers, and Frans gave fantastic after-sales service
Improvements or suggestions
Strengths of White Whale
If Frans in Aquadulce is typical of White Whale, it says the organisation has well-informed, helpful and hardworking representatives.

Published on

Lawrence Croydon-Fowler


I have used White Whale to purchase and foyers later sell my yacht. Nothing was too much trouble for them and the professional advice I was given was 2nd to none. and Guido van Den Berg was outstanding.

Improvements or suggestions
Strengths of White Whale
Excellent advice and feedback. I’m just going the extra distance.
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Yacht world listed boats for sale

Published on

Captain D Fickling


A good, honest, reliable company. Easy to work with. Very constructive and helpful throughout the selling process, providing sound practical advice, communicating well and seeking win-win solutions for both seller and buyer.

Improvements or suggestions
Keep doing what you're doing
Strengths of White Whale
Good communicators, positive, seeks solutions that work for all parties. Very open throughout the whole selling process, give sound advice.
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
From a previous transaction

Published on

André Dusausoy


Reactive and professional contacts

Strengths of White Whale
Quick responses. Good following of client (seller/purchaser). Good and easy contact
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Thanks to advertising on internet, looking for a sailboat
Improvements or suggestions
nothing at the moment

Published on

Peter Scheeren

StarStarStarStarHalf star

Friendly en accurate

Improvements or suggestions
Just perfect for me
Strengths of White Whale
short lines, personal and easy to contact
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
From hearing and "google" for the reviews

Published on

Chris Jamart


Heel tevreden over hun aanpak en dienstverlening

Improvements or suggestions
Geen opmerking
Strengths of White Whale
Zeer goed contact met Tim Grootendorst die de transactie op een prettige en professionele manier geregeld heeft
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Via een eerdere transactie

Published on

Rob koenen


Very helpful with experianced, professional information given

Strengths of White Whale
Frans Bennekers was very helpful with information, even as a "non-client" i got the answers i was looking for.
Improvements or suggestions
to some extend helpful without charge (keep it that way).
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Various contacts in the sailing community

Published on



Frans Bennekers dit a very good job in the selling transacktion ,about the ORCA Boat. Was a very profesional and serious.

How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
On the transacktion process
Strengths of White Whale
Frans Bennekers os very profesional.
Improvements or suggestions
No aplied

Published on

Sven Pluymackers


Ich bin rund um zufrieden. Von der Kontaktaufnahme, über die Bestandsaufnahme auf dem Boot, der Ausarbeitung des Exposé bis hin zur finalen Übergabe des Bootes habe ich mich durch White Whale und hier durch die Betreuung von Ron Priem fantastische aufgehoben gefühlt.

How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Professionell und gleichzeitig sehr persönlich
Strengths of White Whale
Sehr professionell, viel Sachverstand und Erfahrung
Improvements or suggestions
keine, bin voll zufrieden

Published on



Just purchased a beautiful aluminum tender through White Whale Yacht Brokers. Contacts were made through Vinkeveen, Pieter Pepping, who was experienced as very reliable and honest. No-nonsense approach, which was identical to the ship I purchased. Man of appointments, action and time for the customer, which was experienced as very pleasant. Satisfied from the first telephone contact to delivery and handover, my thanks!

Strengths of White Whale
Short lines, personal, honest and no-nonsense
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
boat found through internet, through a boats for sale site
Improvements or suggestions

Published on

Lars Ruland


Vom erst Kontakt bis zum Kauf war bin mehr als überzeugt von Ron‘s Makler Eigenschaften. Ron berät erstklassig. Er packt auch an, wo andere Makler sagen da ist nichts zu machen. Ich kann Ron nur empfehlen!!

Strengths of White Whale
I hope you’re get the only broker in Limburg
How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Improvements or suggestions
Ist perfekt !

Published on



Helder en duidelijk vooraf. Gewoon je eigen schip blijven varen. Professionele werkwijze waar de onderhandelingen stroef verlopen

How did you find White Whale Yachtbrokers
Vergelijken van vier yachtbrokers in de omgeving
Improvements or suggestions
Geen idee eigenlijk
Strengths of White Whale
Vrijheid in opties. Soepel meedenken. Relevante adviezen in de voorbereiding. Snel reageren.

Published on


White Whale Yachtbrokers collects company reviews at Feedback Company. The company collects reviews independently.

White Whale Yachtbrokers has achieved the following results:

  • checkAverage score: 9.5/10
  • check91 collected reviews
  • checkFirst review written on 31 October 2015

White Whale Yachtbrokers

White Whale Yachtbrokers is your professional and dedicated partner when selling or buying a yacht. With highly experienced yachtbrokers and several offices in Europe, we try to give you the best service in the market. Please let us know if you have any questions or want more information.


White Whale Yachtbrokers

Lantaarndijk 8

4797 SP Willemstad

Reliable and transparent

To provide an optimal customer experience, listening to your customers is essential. That is why we continuously measure experiences at Feedback Company. We ask the right question, to the right person, at the right time. Measuring experiences is key. Our research focuses on Customer Experience (CX), Product Experience (PX) en Employee Experience (EX).

Feedback Company collects feedback with verified data from its customers. The company is committed to fighting fake reviews and verifies the origin of the reviews.Click here for more information about Feedback Company’s review policy and how the review page is created.

Data Pro Code
MOA Fair Data keurmerk
Feedback Company
Google Review Partner
Elemental Water Foundation