
9.6 / 10
206 reviews
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99% of the customers recommend this company.

Wat vindt u van de bestel procedure? - Ease of ordering
Levertijd - Delivery speed
Wat vindt u van de informatie op de website? - Information on the website?
Responstijd - Response time
Klantvriendelijkheid - Customer service
After sales

M. Hanssen


Had a question on price and availability of an OPPO 105D which was answered in a very friendly and correct manner. In the end resulting in a purchase which was taken care of in a prompt manner. Fast delivery. Left a reliable impression.

Sterke punten - Strengths

knowledge and customer interaction by phone. Clear, friendly and professional.

Verbeteringen of suggesties - Improvements or suggestions

website is not the most clear and easy to navigate as well as some confusion to applicability of freight cost when ordering in NL.

Score on JVB Digital / OPPOstore / AVstyle: 4/5
Zou u JVB Digital / OPPOstore / AVstyle aanbevelen? - Would you recommend JVB Digital / OPPOstore / AVstyle? Yes
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