
9.6 / 10
206 reviews
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99% of the customers recommend this company.

Wat vindt u van de bestel procedure? - Ease of ordering
Levertijd - Delivery speed
Wat vindt u van de informatie op de website? - Information on the website?
Responstijd - Response time
Klantvriendelijkheid - Customer service
After sales

Ms Leena Saarimaki



Sterke punten - Strengths

Straightforward ordering process & efficient delivery.

Verbeteringen of suggesties - Improvements or suggestions

Automatic delivery updates would be helpful instead of having to login & request.

Reply JVB Digital / OPPOstore / AVstyle:

It's annoying that you haven't had any episode updates,
When we ship with FedEx, the tracking number is automatically emailed, when you click on it you will automatically get the most recent status and you can also choose if you want to receive more extensive updates. We don't turn this on by default because this can also be experienced as annoying, but we will investigate if this is possible in another way.

Score on JVB Digital / OPPOstore / AVstyle: 5/5
Zou u JVB Digital / OPPOstore / AVstyle aanbevelen? - Would you recommend JVB Digital / OPPOstore / AVstyle? Yes
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