

8.2 / 10
662 beoordelingen
Schrijf beoordeling

90% van de klanten beveelt dit bedrijf aan.

Tanja Papoulidis


Super friendly staff, good atmosphere, well looked after.

Geef een uitgebreidere omschrijving van je ervaring

I am always impressed how friendly and accommodating everybody seems to be towards the participants and genuinely happy to work there. I feel like my personal wellbeing is important and taken seriously. That makes me come back every time.

Wat zou je bij je volgende deelname bij ICON graag anders willen zien?

While I am genuinely happy with everything at ICON I really do believe that the food that is served for dinner needs improvement. If you confined in a space for an extended time, your daily meals become the highlight of your day and unfortunately the food is really lacking taste and quality. I really wish that could be worked on.

Reactie ICON:

Dear Tanja, thank you very much for this great review! Considering the food, we will take it into account and will work on this. Kind regards, Janine from ICON

Score voor ICON: 5/5
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