100% of the customers recommend this company.



Dismissed from your job? Definitely recommended to arrange a very good settlement agreement with your employer.



Your review

Iris was a real saver with my case on having a settlement agreement with my previous employer. First of all, she understood the urgency of the case, responded me quickly and took full ownership with respond to the urgency appropriately. She offloaded me from the urgency pressure and the stress from my previous employer. She was proactive and very attentive, consulted and defended me to my best interest. I got the feeling that, she got my back. She properly informed me about my rights in every stage, what's possible and potential consequence or outcome of each decisions so that I could give informed decisions. She had calm, yet very professional communication attitude and negotiation skills towards my employer. Thanks to her help, in addition to the settlement payment, I got four extra months of employment salary with bonuses and no expectation of work. This enabled me enough time to find the right job for me and enjoy stress free long vacations / family time. She shaped the settlement agreement in such way that I could get unemployment benefits in case I didn't find a job after the last day of my employment. Even months after she has aided me in my dismissal issues against my employer. I am very happy with her consultation and will definitely go back to her service for anything related to employment rights.

Score on Juridisch Centrum voor Ontslag en Arbeidsrecht (EN): 5/5
Would you recommend this company? Yes