I liked it a lot! and I am definitely going to order more. I spoke with friends about it, but I do notice there is no knowledge about this kind of products. There is a lack of "legitimacy", nobody really knew it and nobody could believe I feel full and stuffed or a longer period of time in comparison with my regular breakfast (I mostly use it as a quick breakfast). I do think this is kind of healthy. My recommendation would be to go to the media more! start discussions on television and in the media what the effects of this product is and what the effects on health are, this will let more people know about the product and even if there is a negative tone in the media people will try it for themselves just out of curiosity. Among my friends they also did not believe me that I feel good and fit partly because of the Queel shakes, but they did get curious and they are going to try it and make their own opinion about it.
You could even try to sit with some competitors together to promote this kind of food as a whole. If the market grows every competitor will get a slice of the 'cake' (the market). I think you guys started something amazing and there is an enormous market to gain. From my background in Innovation sciences and evolutionary economics I have faith this will become huge!
Veel succes ermee, hopelijk heb je iets aan deze feedback ;)
Reply Queal:
Bedankt voor de review!
En ik ben het zeker eens met nog meer media opzoeken en meer 'educatie' doen over ons soort producten! Ik geloof er sterk ik dat het voor veel mensen een goede oplossing voor een aantal maaltijden in de week.