My biggest issue so far with Queal have simply been that your site, when I was purchasing, did not give me any info about import fees or similar fees, since if the total of the order, including shipping, goes above 350 NOK, €35-ish, which mine did at €60 I had to pay another €45 at pick-up which makes this whole thing quite expensive.
Other than that however, I did enjoy the Steady Shake taste, but I am using 3 scoops a meal rather than 5 scoops a meal due to the high calorie-count of 140 each scoop.
I was not too impressed by the Go Bar, Ready Oats or Flow however, so in the future if I order more, I'll stick to the Steady Shakes which I liked.
I do recommend Queals Shakes, but if you're from Norway, either make sure your total ends up below 350 NOK or be prepared to pay extra upon arrival of the package.
Reply Queal:
Thank you for the review Emil! We will make it more clear on the website (it should be next to the country selection, but I think we can do better). And we hope to have a partner-shop in Norway sooner than later.