I ordered suspenders from "We Love Ties" . I placed the order from Germany and was amazed at the swift delivery. The quality of the products seems to be good. It's too early for me to comment on the product, as I've been using it only since a week. I had a seamless experience of navigating the website, placing the order, getting mail notifications and the final delivery from the company. Based on my experience I'm satisfied with the product and the company.
Fast delivery.
Quality (opinion based on a week's usage)
Improvements or suggestions
1. There was no sizing guide for the suspenders.
2. Articles on suspenders styling would be of help to customers.
3. Bad product presentation. I was hard for me to visualise, how the suspenders would look like. I took a chance by placing the order and it worked out.
Suggestion: Put some photos of models or mannequin wearing the suspenders.