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checkbox100% beveelt Fiona-festival aan!

2 reviews

Gregor Lange, DOK Leipzig


Since we started using FIONA, we have a lot more freedom in generating tools like reports and overviews that make our colleagues work easier. After a short period of getting used to the new environment, it is easy to use and very reliable. The constant updates including new functions show, that you listen closely to your customers.

Do you have any points of improvement or suggestions?
We would like to have a FIONA network that includes other FIONA-users from other festivals. Also, it would be great to have a tracker that shows, how far you are in development of features that were announced for later updates.
What did you think of our work method, support and communication?
Communication and support, either via email or Zendesk, is overall great. In most cases we get a quick reply and constantly have the feeling, that someone is working on our problems.

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Greet Stevens - MOOOV

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A planner with a lot of options and possibilities. It took a year before our whole team was on board. Questions keep coming up...

What did you think of our work method, support and communication?
Very happy with it. Quick responses and always friendly.

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Fiona-festival verzamelt bedrijfsreviews bij Feedback Company. Het bedrijf verzamelt onafhankelijk reviews.

Fiona-festival heeft de volgende resultaten bereikt:

  • checkGemiddelde score: 9/10
  • check2 verzamelde reviews
  • checkEerste review geschreven op 23 november 2022


Meet Fiona Festival: the smartest and smoothest film festival software. You may not see us, but you do notice the effects when a film festival works with us. Fiona Festival promises an easy-to-use online platform, amazing IT and 9+ support. From festival planning and film logistics to a volunteer shiftpicker, Fiona is packed with powerful features, which can be activated based on what you need, so you only pay for what you work with.



Scheepmakershaven 32-C

3011 VB Rotterdam

Betrouwbaar en transparant

Om een optimale klantervaring te bieden, is het luisteren naar je klanten essentieel. Daarom meten we bij Feedback Company continue experiences. We stellen de juiste vraag, aan de juiste persoon, op het juiste moment. Ervaringen meten is key. Onze onderzoeken richten zich op Customer Experience (CX), Product Experience (PX) en Employee Experience (EX).

Feedback Company verzamelt feedback met geverifieerde gegevens van haar klanten. Het bedrijf zet zich in tegen nepreviews en verifieert de herkomst van de reviews.Klik hier voor meer informatie over Feedback Company’s reviewbeleid en hoe de reviewpagina tot stand komt.

Data Pro Code
MOA Fair Data keurmerk
Feedback Company
Google Review Partner
Elemental Water Foundation

Net Promoter Score (NPS)=% Promoters - % Detractors

2 reviews

Gregor Lange, DOK Leipzig


Since we started using FIONA, we have a lot more freedom in generating tools like reports and overviews that make our colleagues work easier. After a short period of getting used to the new environment, it is easy to use and very reliable. The constant updates including new functions show, that you listen closely to your customers.

Do you have any points of improvement or suggestions?
We would like to have a FIONA network that includes other FIONA-users from other festivals. Also, it would be great to have a tracker that shows, how far you are in development of features that were announced for later updates.
What did you think of our work method, support and communication?
Communication and support, either via email or Zendesk, is overall great. In most cases we get a quick reply and constantly have the feeling, that someone is working on our problems.

Gepubliceerd op

Greet Stevens - MOOOV

SterSterSterSterLege ster

A planner with a lot of options and possibilities. It took a year before our whole team was on board. Questions keep coming up...

What did you think of our work method, support and communication?
Very happy with it. Quick responses and always friendly.

Gepubliceerd op


Fiona-festival verzamelt bedrijfsreviews bij Feedback Company. Het bedrijf verzamelt onafhankelijk reviews.

Fiona-festival heeft de volgende resultaten bereikt:

  • checkGemiddelde score: 9/10
  • check2 verzamelde reviews
  • checkEerste review geschreven op 23 november 2022


Meet Fiona Festival: the smartest and smoothest film festival software. You may not see us, but you do notice the effects when a film festival works with us. Fiona Festival promises an easy-to-use online platform, amazing IT and 9+ support. From festival planning and film logistics to a volunteer shiftpicker, Fiona is packed with powerful features, which can be activated based on what you need, so you only pay for what you work with.



Scheepmakershaven 32-C

3011 VB Rotterdam

Betrouwbaar en transparant

Om een optimale klantervaring te bieden, is het luisteren naar je klanten essentieel. Daarom meten we bij Feedback Company continue experiences. We stellen de juiste vraag, aan de juiste persoon, op het juiste moment. Ervaringen meten is key. Onze onderzoeken richten zich op Customer Experience (CX), Product Experience (PX) en Employee Experience (EX).

Feedback Company verzamelt feedback met geverifieerde gegevens van haar klanten. Het bedrijf zet zich in tegen nepreviews en verifieert de herkomst van de reviews.Klik hier voor meer informatie over Feedback Company’s reviewbeleid en hoe de reviewpagina tot stand komt.

Data Pro Code
MOA Fair Data keurmerk
Feedback Company
Google Review Partner
Elemental Water Foundation