
9.3 / 10
402 beoordelingen
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98% van de klanten beveelt dit bedrijf aan.



My mom always use to make her own bone broth and has done so forever but for me this was just never a practice that I adopted because I just don’t have the time or the ingredients frequently ..... therefore extremely happy to have discovered Babs bone broth and knowing that only the best organic ingredients come into the composition of these broths is just very comforting. So many health benefits and so easy to incorporate in soups, sauces, smoothies or just as is. Ordering my second batch next week as I already consumed 6 pots in the last weeks. They go so fast!!!

Waarom heeft u ons product gekocht? | What is the reason for buying/using our product?

To increase my Collagen intake

Score voor Babsbonebroth: 5/5
Zou u dit bedrijf/product aanbevelen? | Would you recommend this company/product? Ja
Babs bone broth chicken, beef, plain