Still no email with tracking number
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No idea if my parcel has been sent or how to follow it. I hope I get a notice from the local postal service when it's arrived otherwise it will just bounce back to Ergomax (again). I don't know why they have issues, but what was once a pleasant and good service has become terrible.
Dear Sam,
We are very sorry to hear that your opinion is that our service has gotten worse. First of all, we would like to say that we are sincerely sorry that the service and delivery was not up to our regular standards.
We want to thank you for leaving your experience with Ergomax. We can guarantee you that we are working on it as we speak and we will try to make sure that this will not happen again. We hope your order has finally arrived by now.
If it has not arrived by now, we would be happy to get in contact with you about and look for an option on how we can resolve this issue for you.
Kind regards,
Team Ergomax