
9.5 / 10
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I only can say dat, I was drive fast from Germany Frankfurt airport way ,and nouw 2 weeks ago send me 2 expenzive speed ticket plus extra 3 time's I have to pay panish money, so together I pay about 1300 euro,and oldso want I send my driver license. Dan I think I need good Advocate. I get Joost Antonides-Hamleeers. I call and directly, I can go Joos Antonides for he's offise, for free coffee โ˜•๏ธ and he's very,very nice talking and directly send Email ,and next day moning befor 8.00-oklok oldso call me and stay contact wed me,every informeson he tell me. And only 1 week he fix everything. Only 1 monds I can't drive Germany. I can not believe Joos Antonides fix my big problem only 1 week. He's meak me so ๐Ÿ˜Š happy and I don't have stress anymore. I trust hem very well, and when I have shomting problem again I only call Joos Antonides! And when shombody have problem, desonmeder what problems u have! U only call Joos Antonides. I tankyou so much for help me. I stay big respect ๐Ÿ™ for hem. Vrindelijk Grotjes Szelina from Nederland ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™. And sorry for my English!

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