
8.8 / 10
461 beoordelingen
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96% van de klanten beveelt dit bedrijf aan.

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Dominicus Giovanna


Very positive. Good atmosphere, great place and very good food

Sterke punten

The cook assistant was great, helpful, sweet, she was really nice. The cook was also very good, but he appeared to be not so used to reach bigger groups. In any case the experience was really pleasant

Verbeterpunten of tips

Few things that were agreed at the beginning were not 100%. But at the end everything went well in any case

Reactie Keizer Culinair:

Hey Giovanna,
Thanks a lot for writing this review. Great to hear that it was a pleasant experience! I indeed heard that someting went wrong but luckily chef Haukur managed to fix it :)!
Hopefully we'll talk soon again for another event!
With culinary regards,
Team Keizer Culinair

Score voor Keizer Culinair: 5/5
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