
9.1 / 10
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My first experience at the clinic was with Dr. Peter den Otter and I do not believe it went very well. I received a filler treatment and it was extremely painful. I do understand that these procedures are painful, but what makes a difference is how a doctor handles its patient. I don't think Dr. Peter is sympathetic to the pain and needs to work better at making a patient feel comfortable.

My second experience was with Dr. Burgu Gundogdu and it was wonderful. Dr. Burgu had to redo the same process for me and she has a technique to make it less painful. I think she needs to share this technique with Dr. Peter to help out future patients. Dr. Burgu was very kind, sweet and was able to use the right words to make me feel better. She also shared information about my procedure that was different than Dr. Peter, she was more knowledgable. I will definitely return to see Dr. Burgu.

Wat zijn de sterke punten van Kliniek Vrijdag

Dr. Burgu Gundogdu

Heeft u verbeterpunten of tips voor de kliniek of haar medewerkers?

The doctors could benefits from sharing with each other about their procedures to see if things could be done better.

Score voor Kliniek Vrijdag: 3.5/5
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