The app, in general, is great. Finding classes, booking classes, inviting friends to classes, all work as expected. I really appreciate that the app is localized into English. However, I'm confused that this survey is not.
One bit about the app is confusing and it's the classes per location. While this seems perfectly fine for something like going to a class and only doing that class once a week, it doesn't really fit using gym facilities. 4 times total in a month at a gym for working out? Isn't worth the price at all. 4 classes at a gym in a month? Definitely worth it. It would be nice to see this split up a bit more if you want people to ditch their gym memberships. maakt gebruik van cookies. Lees ons cookiebeleid voor meer informatie. U accepteert de cookies door verder te gaan of deze melding te sluiten.