
9.5 / 10
385 beoordelingen
Schrijf beoordeling

99% van de klanten beveelt dit bedrijf aan.

Hoe tevreden bent u over de website van Perfectrent? / How satisfied are you with the website of Perfectrent?
Hoe tevreden bent u over het tijdig nakomen van afspraken door Perfectrent? / How satisfied are you with the timely fulfillment of agreements of Perfectrent?
Hoe tevreden bent u over de inzet en enthousiasme van Perfectrent? / How satisfied are you about the commitment and enthusiasm of Perfectrent?
Hoe tevreden bent u over de aanwezige kennis van Perfectrent? / How satisfied are you with the present knowledge of Perfectrent?
Hoe tevreden bent u met de reactietijd van Perfectrentt? / How satisfied are you with the response time of Perfectrent?
Hoe tevreden bent u met de klantvriendelijkheid van Perfectrent? / How satisfied are you with the friendliness of Perfectrent?

Rolando Garza


An excellent service, very clear requirements throughout all stages of the rental process, and really supportive agents make Perfectrent a trustworthy partner to help you make the relocation endeavour easy and painless.

Bent u huurder of verhuurder? / Are you a tenant or landlord?

Huurder / Tenant

Welke medewerker heeft u begeleid? / Which agent served you?


Welke punten heeft u als bijzonder positief ervaren bij Perfectrent? / What aspects of Perfectrent have you experiences as particularly positive?

I found the clear information and the intermediation between the landlord and myself quite helpful. I also liked that they referred me to someone to help coordinate the elaboration of contracts with utilities and services.

Welke verbeterpunten raad u Perfectrent aan? / Which points of improvement do you recommend Perfectrent?

None that I can think of.

Score voor Perfect Rent: 5/5
Zou u Perfectrent aanbevelen bij familie en vrienden? / Would you recommend Perfectrent to family and friends ? Ja