
9.5 / 10
385 beoordelingen
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99% van de klanten beveelt dit bedrijf aan.

Hoe tevreden bent u over de website van Perfectrent? / How satisfied are you with the website of Perfectrent?
Hoe tevreden bent u over het tijdig nakomen van afspraken door Perfectrent? / How satisfied are you with the timely fulfillment of agreements of Perfectrent?
Hoe tevreden bent u over de inzet en enthousiasme van Perfectrent? / How satisfied are you about the commitment and enthusiasm of Perfectrent?
Hoe tevreden bent u over de aanwezige kennis van Perfectrent? / How satisfied are you with the present knowledge of Perfectrent?
Hoe tevreden bent u met de reactietijd van Perfectrentt? / How satisfied are you with the response time of Perfectrent?
Hoe tevreden bent u met de klantvriendelijkheid van Perfectrent? / How satisfied are you with the friendliness of Perfectrent?



Perfectrent have been professional, helpful and attentive.

Bent u huurder of verhuurder? / Are you a tenant or landlord?

Huurder / Tenant

Welke medewerker heeft u begeleid? / Which agent served you?


Welke punten heeft u als bijzonder positief ervaren bij Perfectrent? / What aspects of Perfectrent have you experiences as particularly positive?

I thought the application process was clearer and easier than a lot of other companies I have applied through. I appreciated the clear timescales that were set early on regarding when we could expect a response by. Sander has been professional but also super personable, making the effort to call and give us the good news about getting the property which was really nice. It felt like we were dealing with people rather than a robotic company which made the overall experience much more enjoyable than in previous situations.

Welke verbeterpunten raad u Perfectrent aan? / Which points of improvement do you recommend Perfectrent?

The main point of improvement I would suggest is in communicating the process time for the documents clearly from the start. I sent over everything within a couple of days but then they were not reviewed for almost two weeks. This caused a slight delay as additional docs had to be sent over as well as contact info which wasn't initially requested. We weren't able to give notice on our current property until everything was signed away for fear of being without a place to live so it means extra time paying for two places. I don't think it necessarily has to be done faster as I know you are busy but clearer communication from the start about processing time would alleviate the stress and allow us to plan better.

Score voor Perfect Rent: 4.5/5
Zou u Perfectrent aanbevelen bij familie en vrienden? / Would you recommend Perfectrent to family and friends ? Ja