
9.5 / 10
390 beoordelingen
Schrijf beoordeling

99% van de klanten beveelt dit bedrijf aan.

Hoe tevreden bent u over de website van Perfectrent? / How satisfied are you with the website of Perfectrent?
Hoe tevreden bent u over het tijdig nakomen van afspraken door Perfectrent? / How satisfied are you with the timely fulfillment of agreements of Perfectrent?
Hoe tevreden bent u over de inzet en enthousiasme van Perfectrent? / How satisfied are you about the commitment and enthusiasm of Perfectrent?
Hoe tevreden bent u over de aanwezige kennis van Perfectrent? / How satisfied are you with the present knowledge of Perfectrent?
Hoe tevreden bent u met de reactietijd van Perfectrentt? / How satisfied are you with the response time of Perfectrent?
Hoe tevreden bent u met de klantvriendelijkheid van Perfectrent? / How satisfied are you with the friendliness of Perfectrent?

Nikolaos Tsiakas


Amazing overall experience from the rental process through Perfectrent. All the necessary processes for the renting(documentation, etc.) were done really fast. Perfectrent provided every necessary information and were always available and happy to answer any kind of questions.
Kirsten provided the best customer service by always replying really fast to our emails and handling every request of ours, she made our rental process really simple and straight forward.

Bent u huurder of verhuurder? / Are you a tenant or landlord?

Huurder / Tenant

Welke medewerker heeft u begeleid? / Which agent served you?


Welke punten heeft u als bijzonder positief ervaren bij Perfectrent? / What aspects of Perfectrent have you experiences as particularly positive?

Fast replies, all necessary information provided and always available to answer our questions.

Welke verbeterpunten raad u Perfectrent aan? / Which points of improvement do you recommend Perfectrent?

Nothing comes to my mind at the moment. Really happy with the overall experience.

Score voor Perfect Rent: 5/5
Zou u Perfectrent aanbevelen bij familie en vrienden? / Would you recommend Perfectrent to family and friends ? Ja