
9.6 / 10
230 beoordelingen
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97% van de klanten beveelt dit bedrijf aan.



Karin was the BEST Kramhelp we could have dreamed of!

She was friendly, knowledgeable, efficient and great at her job in all ways - she not only took excellent and gentle care of our newborn, but also us - helping with household hygiene and tidiness (laundry, cleaning bathroom, etc.!) and more importantly was fantastic emotional support during the ups and downs of our first week. It felt truly like having a caring family member around - the kind that is only helpful and never annoying ;).

We are so glad that ProCare listened to our wishes about preferences (we had had a bad experience with another organization when our first child was born) and matched us with such a special person. Thank you Karin & ProCare for giving us this great start!

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Best Kramzorg ever!

Score voor Pro Care Kraamzorg: 5/5
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