
7.9 / 10
2235 beoordelingen
Schrijf beoordeling

82% van de klanten beveelt dit bedrijf aan.

Rahul Jayaraj


Absolutely terrible and completely unprofessional service.
I had registered a complaint stating a clogged kitchen sink to the RRS Den Haag, and the repair men came in and had their tool stuck in the pipes. Even though they had raised a request to ask another professional to remove the tool to the RRS, the request was never followed up.

I have been trying to get a hold of someone to remove this tool for the past 3 weeks now and every time I register a complaint, the repair men failed to show up.

Now after 3 weeks the same repair man who tried to clear my sink came up to be surprised to find out that the tool was never removed. What does that tell you about the coordination in the organisation?
The really infuriating part is the customer service representative, they talk to you in the most condescending and completely unempathetic tone, it just adds to the misery.

Absolutely terrible. Completely unprofessional.

Score voor Riool Reinigings Service RRS: 1/5
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