Despite the firendliness in the store, Roobol has the ABSOLUTE WORST customer servuce at its headquarters, wher orders are being handled and fulfilled! WArning, stay away! Ordrs are easily very late, and not only there is no apology and no compensation but the attitude is that being 3 months late is absolutely normal and that it's a favor to the customer that it's at least being looked at. All of this while they keep your advance payment which will NOT be rturned if you would like to go elsewher due to their delays. Roobol might look like a big company with history on the market, but it is actually being run by very unprofessional and incompetent werkers that kniw nothing about custormer service and have not intention in delivering a pleasent and qualitative experience. Respect for the customer, custoer's time and customer's money means NOTHING in Roobol
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Hire professionals and be respectful to customers