I have rented a fine apartment near Erasmus.
Wat is uw geslacht? /What is your gender?
Wat is uw leeftijd?/What's your age?
Wie is uw contactpersoon bij Rotterdam Apartments?/Who is your contactperson at Rotterdam Apartments?
Wat zijn de positieve punten van de service die u heeft ontvangen van Rotterdam Apartments?/What are the positive aspects of the service you received from Rotterdam Apartments?
Various options for rent. RotAp employees contact owners themselves and try to bring a quick response.
Welke verbeterpunten raadt u Rotterdam Apartments aan naar aanleiding van uw ervaring?/What improvements do you recommend to Rotterdam Apartments following your experience?
Remove the requirements for bank statements. RotAp are the intermediary, not a side of the agreement, it is not polite and correct to request me for sufficient funds, moreover, I have attached copy of the bank report for university deposit transfer. Still, additional funds were required.