
9.4 / 10
279 beoordelingen
Schrijf beoordeling

98% van de klanten beveelt dit bedrijf aan.

Hoe tevreden bent u over de inzet en het enthousiasme van RA?/How satisfied are you about the commitment and ethusiasm of RA?
Hoe tevreden bent u over de oplossingsgerichtheid van RA?/How satisfied are you about the solution orientation of RA?
Hoe tevreden bent u over het tijdig nakomen van afspraken door RA?/How satisfied are you about the timely fulfillment of agreements of RA?
Hoe tevreden bent u over de klantvriendelijkheid van RA?/How satisfied are you about the friendliness of RA?
Hoe tevreden bent u over de professionaliteit van RA?/How satisfied are you about the professionalism of RA?
Hoe tevreden bent u met de reactietijd van RA?/How satisfied are you with the response time of RA?
Hoe tevreden bent u over over de aanwezige kennis van RA?/How satisfied are you about the knowledge of RA?

Ezgi Tezgorucu


The rental consultant that helped me was Noah, and thanks to him my experience was wonderful. Thanks to him the process was very easy and smooth.

Wat is uw geslacht? /What is your gender?


Wat is uw leeftijd?/What's your age?


Wie is uw contactpersoon bij Rotterdam Apartments?/Who is your contactperson at Rotterdam Apartments?


Wat zijn de positieve punten van de service die u heeft ontvangen van Rotterdam Apartments?/What are the positive aspects of the service you received from Rotterdam Apartments?

Noah is a great communicator, you can feel his empathy, friendliness and he is eager to help. He is always so informative and his response time great. I am glad he helped me in this process.

Welke verbeterpunten raadt u Rotterdam Apartments aan naar aanleiding van uw ervaring?/What improvements do you recommend to Rotterdam Apartments following your experience?

It's amazing as it is.

Score voor Rotterdam Apartments: 5/5
Zou u Rotterdam Apartments aanbevelen bij familie, vrienden of kennissen?/Would you recommend Rotterdam Apartments to friends and family? Ja
Hoe kent u Rotterdam Apartments?: