I have rented an appartment through Rotterdam Apartments three times and all the times it was a pleasure to work with them. This year I needed new place on short notice, and got one again through Rotterdam Apartments. Great real estate agents, helpful and knowledgeable.
Wat is uw geslacht? /What is your gender?
Wat is uw leeftijd?/What's your age?
Wie is uw contactpersoon bij Rotterdam Apartments?/Who is your contactperson at Rotterdam Apartments?
Wat zijn de positieve punten van de service die u heeft ontvangen van Rotterdam Apartments?/What are the positive aspects of the service you received from Rotterdam Apartments?
They take time to help you, are very respectful and professional.
Welke verbeterpunten raadt u Rotterdam Apartments aan naar aanleiding van uw ervaring?/What improvements do you recommend to Rotterdam Apartments following your experience?
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