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Marianne Steenvoorden


I love the spa and love the experience in general. There are some people though, that don't know or can't read the signs that asl for "Stilte AUB" Loud talking etc. are disturbing. Not sure what can be done about that. May be telling people, when they come in groups, a gentle reminder to suggest to be mindful of their surroundings. And practice quiet behavior. You can talk, but it can be a little softer than usual. A spa is different than a bar scene.

I shortened my stay yesterday, then it was very disturbing. A group of 3-4 women and one gentleman talking to his friend ( who didn't answer hime at all) like a waterfall. Even when I was in the sauna, the sound was just horrible.
Anyway. Not sure if you would read this, but it would be so nice if people are more mindful.
Thank you.
Marianne Steenvoorden

Positieve punten tijdens je bezoek

I love the Sauna's

Verbeterpunten of suggesties

See above

Score voor Spa Zuiver: 3/5
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