
8.9 / 10
774 beoordelingen
Schrijf beoordeling

100% van de klanten beveelt dit bedrijf aan.



The 5 stars are because of the passion in teaching that David has and for how he manages the lessons, presumably for the first time through Zoom. I have done a bachelor in UK, which one module was Academic Skills. Therefore, the content was not new for me. Having students from different backgrounds and studies, it is difficult to find a common line. I experienced that some content was basic, and not necessary to know, to spend time on it. Still, perhaps for other students would need to go through it.

Score voor Taalcentrum-VU trainingen: 5/5
Zou je het Taalcentrum-VU aanbevelen? Ja
Welke training heb je gevolgd?: Wetenschappelijke artikelen schrijven in het Engel...