
8.9 / 10
774 beoordelingen
Schrijf beoordeling

100% van de klanten beveelt dit bedrijf aan.

Niccolo Tesi


I really liked the structure of the course: first a quick introduction with some material (online and offline) to use to improve presentation skills; then fully-interactive sessions.

What I like the most is that unlike actual presentations at work, here each attendant focuses on a specific part of your talk, which was new to me, but also very interesting.

Due to covid the course last few months, but this is an exceptional situation. We could have done it online, but I do appreciate the effort to keep it based on a physical attendance.

Score voor Taalcentrum-VU trainingen: 5/5
Zou je het Taalcentrum-VU aanbevelen? Ja
Welke training heb je gevolgd?: Academisch Engels: Presenteer en pitch je onderzoe...