
8.6 / 10
3116 beoordelingen
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93% van de klanten beveelt dit bedrijf aan.

Tina Kim


I am a customer living in Seoul, Korea. I had a Almond Blossom porcelain mug from your museum from my last visit last year. Some days ago, the mug handle broke due to my coworker's mistake and I was very sad that I may not use my favourite mug anymore. The mug had made my work life enjoyable for it reminds me of the good memories from your museum and also in Amsterdam. Given the current pandemic, I am not sure when could I go there in the near future.
It was a pleasant surprise that I could have the same designed mug from your museum shop in just a couple of days. Now I have it back next to my laptop with all the good memories again.
Appreciate your advanced delivery system, you really made my whole day, or even, a whole week. Please be safe and stay healthy. I strongly believe that we could get through this difficult times eventually.

Many thanks,
Tina from Korea

Score voor Van Gogh Museum Shop-NL: 5/5
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