
7.2 / 10
77 beoordelingen
Schrijf beoordeling

Kevin Deane-Freeman


It would be good to have more clarity on who would be coming and when. There were two days of installs, followed by an unexpected visit from Volta technicians and yet another visit (reason not fully clear) by Installatiebedrijf Wijnhoven. they did not show up for this visit. I do not know if they will plan another, and I don't know what might be a problem if they do not.

Kunt u dit toelichten? Waarom zou u een warmtepomp van Volta Limburg wel/niet aanbevelen?

Process was good, and the long wait couldn't have been helped. However, now is not the time of year to fully evaluate a heat pump, so cannot fully recommend yet until I've seen all of the benefits for real.

Welke van de hiernaast getoonde aspecten waren voor u doorslaggevend in uw keuze voor een leverancier van een warmtepomp? Kies max 3 antwoorden

Alles-in-1-pakket (aanschaf en installatie)

Wat viel u in positieve zin op?

Once started, it was full on with the installers to get it done.

Score voor Volta NXT Warmtepomp: 4.5/5