Product is great. Delivery time is an issue. Any chance of recycling the pots??
Waarom heeft u ons product gekocht? | What is the reason for buying/using our product?
FODMAP proof
FODMAP proof
beter en gezond leven
I follow an animal based diet so i use the collagen for antiaging/ health reasons.
I'm working on my gut healing and pacifying my Vata dosha in winter season. Broths are the best solution for that. Babs seems to be a responsible company, and I gained trust after getting to know...
Vermelding door NIenke Gottenbos
Suppletie van darmtherapeut
Zie boven
Gezonde extra proteine en voordelen voor mijn cholesterol
I would like to add a quality broth to my everyday ration.
Eigenlijk om nog meer collageen binnen te krijgen en om dankzij deze bouillon nog meer weerstand op te doen!