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746 beoordelingen
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Hoe beoordeelt u de trainer?
Hoe beoordeelt u de training?

746 Reviews

Django Dijker - Ebicus BV


The training has a set-up which combines theory, real life examples, practice tests, discussions of appliance and games which really help to grasp the standard and its concepts and focus on getting... The training has a set-up which combines theory, real life examples, practice tests, discussions of appliance and games which really help to grasp the standard and its concepts and focus on getting you certified an enable you to apply the knowledge to your work environment.

Joost van Tilburg / ABNAMRO Bank NV


Training is focused around the story you want to communicate with Archimate which is in my opinion the most beneficial as this motivates me using the language. Of course attention is paid to passing... Training is focused around the story you want to communicate with Archimate which is in my opinion the most beneficial as this motivates me using the language. Of course attention is paid to passing the certification but certification is meaningless if it is not used. So complements to the trainer of getting the enthusiasm across.

Joyce Wils / Abn Amro


Good and clear training and explanations. The training was taking care for passing the exam. Good interaction with the trainees

Ministerie van Justitie


Got me through the exam



Togaf is a powerfull framework.

Dirk Biermann / TLRZ


Relevant content

Alexander Vettter / SAP SE


Good structured slides and expirienced trainer

Karan Kapoor / Rabobank


Because of the trainer

Payconiq Services B.V.


Training covers all the aspects of ADM and Togaf. Trainer is good



Goal is to pass the exam. Trainer supplies a lot of practical examples.